Three Body Solution

36” x 48” Oil on Canvas


After reading The Three Body Problem by Cixin Liu I realized there were new metaphors to be found in the humanities, and that these could be more powerful than all prior. The stakes, in other words, have been raised by this great work and I felt a simultaneous set of breakthroughs happening in my research regarding the picture plane. Although, we have dissolved it, abstracted it, and denied it, I felt nobody has fully dissected it analytically and/or through the use of patterns that run through most minds. By letting the filters in my mind run loose in the narrow space of the theoretical plane I was paralleling the filtered image of my daughter. Taken through a snapchat filter, I wanted to do a portrait of an image enhanced by digital filtration. All of this is a mystical cauldronic blasphemy of a sort, as I cast spells in an entirely new palette the source of which I’ve yet to understand. It feels alien. 

The edges continue to dissolve and deconstruct as I feel the collapse of frame. It is possible I was sensing the coming pandemic, as the new work has put that trope to the side.

In summary, this is a work it will take me a few years to fully understand, but contained in the solution found in the V-composition there are new questions too.


2020 Vision


The Importance of Reporting Failures